
+65 6338 3020


+65 9852 5856

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Contact & Location

We are here for you

1 Coleman Street, #10-13, The Adelphi Singapore 179803

+65 6338 3020

+65 9852 5856

Corporate and Commercial Law Firm


Looking for a corporate lawyer in Singapore? Our lawyers have extensive experience in drafting agreements and contracts customised to your specific needs. From simple IOUs for small loans, to complex multi-million-dollar transactions, we have done them and are sure you will be able to find the right solution for you. We offer both fixed fees and hourly rates depending on your specific needs and brief.

Civil Lawyer Firm Singapore

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Need a trusted civil lawyer in Singapore? Our expert civil law firm helps individuals and businesses resolve disputes effectively. Contact us today!

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

At Netto & Magin LLC, we firmly believe that where a dispute can be resolved swiftly or amicably as compared to expensive and time-consuming litigation, that quicker and more amicable route should be taken. We have negotiated and obtained settlements satisfactory to all parties locked in disputes, in a fraction of the time it would have taken, had parties gone to court instead.